Sunday, July 12, 2015

You Don't Know Me

You Don't Know Me
Deep Haven Book 6
Susan May Warren
Twenty years ago Deidre went into the witness protection program. She is now living in Deep Haven as Annalise. She's married with three kids and life is perfect. But when her FBI handler, Frank, shows up she knows that her perfect life is about to get very complicated.

I always enjoy this author and this book was no exception. The characters are real and authentic. The sense of family and faith is very strong. Each book stands alone, but readers enjoying the series will have a glimpse of characters from previous novels. The plot and several of the conversations between characters really got me thinking. I enjoyed the story, but I also enjoyed the thoughts it brought out. This is a book that I'll keep and re-read in the future.

I received this book free of charge from Tyndale in exchange for my honest review.

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