The Christmas Blessing
Melody Carlson

"Amelia Richards blinked back tears of hopelessness as she pressed the lid of her over-packed suitcase closed."
My review is here.
Now it’s your turn!
Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line and then head over to see what First Lines these friends are sharing today:
Radiant Light / Reading is my Super Power / Robin's Nest / Singing Librarian Books / With a Joyful Noise / Kathleen Denly / A Baker's Perspective / Joy of Reading / Moments Dipped in Ink / C Jane Read / Molly's Cafinated-Reads / Romances of the Cross / It's Storytime With Van Daniker / Iola Goulton / Christian Fiction Girl Reviews / Bibliophile Reviews / Bookworm Mama / Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen / Faithfully Bookish / Fiction Aficionado / A Brighter Destiny / All The Book Blog Names Are Taken
Sounds emotional!
I've got the first line from Janet Ferguson's new release, Magnolia Storms, on my blog today, but I'm going to share the first line from my current read: Many Sparrows, by Lori Benton (Oh. My. Word! ❤️ )
"Jeremiah Ring had witnessed death as often as the next man on the Allegheny frontier, but in all his thirty years he had encountered no deaths more dismaying than those confronting him now."
It feels wrong, somehow, to follow that up with 'have a good weekend', but I hope you do! 🙂
Happy Friday! My first line is from A Christmas to Remember by Linda Brooks Davis:
1908 4 days until Christmas
"The line of delicate stitches blurred to a crimson smudge."
I have this book! Cannot wait to read and review it soon! :)
I'm sharing about "The League and the Lantern" by Brian Wells over at my blog today, but the closest book to me (which is on my Kindle at the moment) is "All of You" by Sarah Monzon.
Present Day, 100 Miles off the Coast of Virginia
Lieutenant Michael "Finch" Carrington pulled up the zipper of his green flight suit and stared at the mass on the opposite rack.
It makes me wonder why she is packing and where she is going.
Have a great weekend Tima!
A Secret Courage by Tricia Goyer :
October 15, 1940
Will Fleming sprinted down the street. The soles of his black Oxfords pounded the cobblestones, yet his footfalls went unheard over the air raid siren’s howl.
I love reading Christmas stories, and this book looks so interesting. Happy Saturday!
That one sounds like it will be a sweet, nostalgic read! I love its cover with the vintage photo.
Happy Friday!
I'm intrigued...sounds like another book for my TBR list!
Right now, I'm reading Love Held Captive by Shelley Shepard Gray. It's the final novel in the Lone Star Hero trilogy. The first line is:
"There was almost nothing there. Almost."
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