Street Smarts From Proverbs
Mitch Kruse

Proverbs is filled with wisdom from King Solomon. Follow the author as he uses the verses in Proverbs to navigate through the many issues of conflict. Using twelve words pulled from the Bible the book shows how to experience God's changing power in life, especially in regards to relationships. There are stories from people who have experienced life through these steps as well as how-to sections that show the reader how to put the truths into action.
This was an incredibly difficult book to read. It didn't flow well for me. The author used a few stories to make the text more interesting, but this didn't seem to help me. Part of the problem was that the author made assumptions about the reader, that in my case were often not true. So this led to large portions of a chapter not fitting my situation. I think the concept was great, but the delivery wasn't clear or was too verbose or complicated. There was too much information and not enough practical application.
I received a copy of this book from Goodreads. All thoughts expressed are my own.