Monday, December 29, 2014

Our Children Are Watching

Our Children Are Watching
10 Skills for Leading the Next Generation to Success
Susan Ford Collins
 Children watch everything their parents do. And they follow in those giant footsteps. Any parent will tell you that children follow what we do and not what we say. So the author has written a book giving personal experiences, stories, and analogies to guide the parent or person in charge to correctly guide the people in their care. She wanted a book with instructions for those in leadership positions to be able to grasp and implement.

The book has three parts. The first part is pointing out the actions of a leader. The second part (the longest section of the book) is detailing the 10 skills for succeeding at leading. Each chapter talks about one skill. The last part talks about how the leader can guide someone into leadership themselves. Each chapter is filled with stories that tie into the skill or thought and help the reader get a clear vision of what is needed.

I received this book free of charge from Book Club Network in exchange for my review.

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