Thursday, July 12, 2012


Your Life. God's Design. Real Change.
Arnie Cole & Michael Ross

The premise for this book is the theory that every Christian becomes "stuck" in their walk and needs a little push to get back into the joy of following Christ. It's a 45 day challenge to encourage you to dig into the Bible and become reacquainted with God. At the end of each chapter is gives scripture and a question for the next several days. There is also a website to compliment the book and further your Bible study.

This book was a bit of a drag for me. I loved the idea and was really excited to read it. But after the personal testimonies were finished, in the first part of the book, I was stuck. I had to really make myself read through the rest of the book. It was so full of facts and research. I honestly couldn't see myself plowing through it if I was really stuck spiritually. It certainly isn't something I'd give a friend who confided being stuck. Just go read your Bible and don't bother with the book. I think the authors had a great idea and somehow it just didn't come through.

I received this book free of charge from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.

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