Raising a Princess
8 Essential Virtues to Teach Your Daughter
John Croyle
We often talk about the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman. But how does that woman become so virtuous? The author draws from his experience as a parent and founder of a home for girls to bring 8 essential virtues that we can teach our daughters so they grow up to become the Proverbs 31 woman.
I wasn't aware that this book was geared towards fathers until I started reading the book. But despite that fact, I still learned from it. The layout of the book is easy to read and the author brings stories and experiences into the writing to make his points more relevant. His writing style is simple, yet profound. He is able to bring a point across without sounding preachy. I also liked the fact that 100% of his proceeds will go back to the Big Oak Ranch to help more girls.
I received this book free of charge from Shelton Interactive in exchange for my honest review.