Saturday, February 1, 2014

Love Me Slender

Love Me Slender
How Smart Couples Team Up to Lose Weight, Exercise More, and Stay Healthy TOGETHER
Thomas Bradbury & Benjamin Karney

Most individuals tend to work better towards a goal when they have encouragement or an audience. Working with statistics and data that supports this, the authors have created a book that is part diet book, part marriage counselor, and part life style change. The book covers how to work with your partner to change your way of eating and exercising so that it benefits both of you. They focus primarily on communication and how this works between partners trying to diet.

The concept is great. The text was easy to read and understand. It addresses quite a few of the communications issues that tend to happen between men and women when one or both want to lose weight. The humorous touches made for an enjoyable read. Check out this book if you want support from your spouse as you lose weight.

I received this book free of charge from Simon and Schuster in exchange for my honest review.

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