Saturday, May 4, 2013

Bread & Wine

Bread & Wine
A love letter to life around the table with recipes
Shauna Niequest
Food isn't just for fuel. It's meant to be enjoyed, savored, and eaten with friends and family. Taking this idea to heart, the author begins each chapter with a story about how food touched her life in some way. Most chapters are followed with a relevant recipes. The recipes are made personal with notes from the author.

This book really spoke to me. The writing was simple and real. Most of the recipes appear easy enough that I didn't feel intimidated with the thought of trying them. The way faith and friendship was subtly woven into each story was beautiful and heartwarming. This book will inspire the reader to open their home and hearts and to try out new recipes. It has definitely inspired me.

I received this book free of charge from Handlebar in exchange for my honest review.

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