Sunday, April 14, 2013

Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad?

Are The Dinosaurs Dead, Dad?
Julie Middleton
Illustrated by Russell Ayto

                Dave and his father visit a dinosaur museum. As they stop at each exhibit his dad tells him the name of each dinosaur. As they leave Dave sees the dinosaur do something. One winks, one tickles, one eats his burger. So he asks his dad if dinosaurs are dead. Each time his dad assures him that the dinosaurs are dead. But after each exhibit Dave begins to wonder if his dad is right. My children and I really enjoyed this book. The illustrations are simple and visually help to tell the story. The writing is engaging and funny, even as it teaches children dinosaur names and other interesting facts about them. At the base of each exhibit is the name of the dinosaur with a pronunciation guide and the meaning of the name. As a parent, I found this very helpful when trying to read the story. The story ends on a humorous note that my children really enjoyed. The larger size book and creative illustrations help immerse the child into what is happening on each page.

received this book free of charge from Children's Lit in exchange for my honest review.

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