and it was beautiful
Kara Tippetts

Kara received the news that she had a nasty and aggressive form of cancer. She and her husband fought the cancer with everything they had. But in the end, Jason and their four children had to tell her good-bye. This book is complied from her writings, most of them on her blog. Kara learned early that she needed to embrace every moment, since her moments were limited.
This was beautiful. It's a small book and a quick read. But the words that Kara wrote and the thoughts that she instilled are still with me long after finishing the book. Her attitude on life is something that I want to embrace and take with me. While the thoughts she expressed were all flavored with her deep and abiding love for Jesus, I believe the book would benefit anyone looking for thoughts on embracing life and living it to it's fullest. This book touched my heart and will touch yours as well.
I received this book free of charge from LitFuse in exchange for my honest review.
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