Here is a chance for free books that is unlike anything I've ever done on here before. But free is free, right?!
I've read all of these books before, but three of them were favorites. I've written my thoughts on those. But don't let my influence sway you. =)
This is an offer from a non-profit organization that is offering Bible studies and Christian books based on the Bible to people who are interested in learning more about Christ or enjoy reading Christian books. Since the majority of what I review is Christian, I thought some of my readers might be interested.
Truth Seekers
"An you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32
A free hard-back book is yours for the asking. Choose one from the following list:
Patriarchs and Prophets
Prophets and Kings
The Desire of Ages
The Acts of the Apostles
The Great Controversy
Steps to Christ
Please contact us at:
Truth Seekers
P.O. Box 545
McEwen, TN 37101

Steps to Christ is a wonderful book that uses lots of scripture to show you the beautiful message of salvation.
The Desire of Ages is the story of Christ's life here on earth. Probably one of my all time favorite books. I'll never look at the life of Christ the same.
The Great Controversy is an incredibly well written and enthralling books about the history of religion and end time events. If you like history or reading about future events then you'll love this book. It is one of those books that will stick with you for a very long time.
*This is just a picture that I grabbed off of the internet. The free book might not look like this one.
*This is just a picture that I grabbed off of the internet. The free book might not look like this one.
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