Monday, August 19, 2013

Snow on the Tulips

Snow on the Tulips
Liz Tolsma

The Nazis are trampling through the Netherlands and  Cornelia is trying to survive until they leave. She has already been dealt a tragic blow and just wants to coast until the war is over. But one night she hears a firing squad and her brother shows up at her door with a severely wounded man. She's already hiding her brother Johan. She can't hide Gerrit or she runs the risk of dying. Can she find the courage to hide two men and lie to the Nazis.

I was a little skeptical when I picked up this book. It takes a special talent to write about such a dark time in history, without the book being dark and depressing itself. But Tolsma accomplished this wonderfully. There were definitely some dark parts, it was a war story after all. But the theme of hope and survival seemed to overshadow this for me. The story is part love story, and part drama. But it's also a story of faith and redemption.

I received this book free of charge from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

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