Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Covenant Child

The Covenant Child
Terri Blackstock

This book was difficult to write a review for. I finished the book several days ago and just can’t seem to put my thoughts into words.
The story is about a woman who marries the man of her dreams. He has twin daughters and she falls in love with them too. But months after the marriage the man dies and her daughters are ripped from her arms to live with their grandparents who didn’t acknowledge them before the death of the wealthy father. Fifteen years later the girls are old enough to inherit their father’s fortune. But they don’t remember their step-mother and are suspicious of why she wants to give them a fortune with no strings attached.
The story was beautiful. I enjoy Teri Blackstock’s writing so I enjoyed the story. My only problem was separating the story from the allegory. The story was obviously an allegory of the plan of salvation and I think I would have enjoyed the story more if it was one or the other.  My thinking about how each part fit into the allegory disturbed the flow of the story for me. Since I also knew what would happen I read the story differently than I would had I been anticipating the end or climax of the story. While I really enjoyed this story, I don’t think it’s one I’ll re-read.
It is a book club (or study) book complete with an interview with the author and discussion questions at the end.

I received this book free of charge from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

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