Sunday, May 29, 2011


My first give-away comes about quite by accident.
One of the books that I am reviewing was sent to me twice today. The publisher sent an email yesterday alerting me to the possibility and told me to give the book away or donate it.
So here is your chance to get one of the books that I'll be reviewing this next week.

The name of the book is

Since I haven't reviewed the book I'll tell you what the book says.

How the wild side of Jesus frees us to live and love with abandon. Too many people settle for relating to Jesus merely as a comfortable friend and companion, when what we need is an untamed Savoir, a fearless champion touch enough to conquer our shame and compelling enough for us to follow Him without hesitation.

So here is how you can get this book.
Post a comment on this blog and on June 5th I will randomly choose one of the comments and email you for contact information.

I have since read the book and LOVE it. Check out my review.


Sharon said...

Sounds good!

Melinda said...

I'm in! -Melinda

Adam said...

Sounds very interesting! I would love a good book to read when I can't sleep. This is Jennifer by the way. LOL signed in Adam's google account.

Unknown said...

Jan wrote: "I posted, Tima, but it didn't show up. I said, "I ALWAYS love a new book! Maybe most of my books burned, but I've sure been doing a good job of replacing them! Aunt Jan""