Saturday, June 11, 2016

Reservations for Two

Reservations for Two
Two Blue Doors Book 2
Hillary Manton Lodge
Juliette is getting ready to head to Provence to try and find out more answers to the clues her grandmother left her. When Neil offers to join her on the trip, she almost expects him to call and cancel. Their relationship hasn't been the easiest. But the two find themselves enjoying the French and Italian countryside with each other as they meet Juliette's family and learn more about her grandmother and each other. But back at home, life with a long distance relationship isn't easy or uncomplicated.

It was wonderful to reconnect with the two main characters and the author's beautiful writing. This isn't one of those fast paced suspense novels or a sweet romance. It is complicated, sad, happy, full of food, family, and life's issues. Very much like real life, but written so well and so captivating that I was swept along for the ride. The plot is actually the telling of two stories - Juliette and her grandmother Gabrielle. As Juliette lives her life, she also spends time trying to find out her grandmother's secrets. Mostly these are revealed as she reads letters her grandmother wrote to her sister and husband. The book was wonderful, but ended in such a way that I was incredibly thankful that I had book 3 and could begin reading immediately. I would highly recommend this series. But first make sure you have all three books in hand before starting.

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