Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eating on the Wild Side

Eating on the Wild Side
Jo Robinson

 Anyone who is on the internet or listened to the news has read or heard about the issues surrounding our food. The author takes the fruits and vegetables that we eat everyday and explains how to help us reclaim the lost nutrients and flavor we've been missing. At over 400 pages, the book is pretty intense. But I was surprised at how easy it was to read and process. Each chapter takes a different type of fruit or vegetable and begins by explaining its origins and how the current food we eat resembles the original food. The chapter is then broken down into sections on how to grow or find the best and most healthful varieties, recipes and cooking instructions, and points to remember.

The book is a great resource for the beginner as well as the more advanced health enthusiast. The information is well researched. It is also well written so as not be be too dry and boring when presenting all of those facts.

I received this book free of charge from Goodreads in exchange for my honest review.

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